Friday, August 17, 2018

Talk Romance To Me

The following map depicts which countries have at least one of the core Romance Languages listed as their Official Language.  It should be noted that these countries speak more than just their assigned language on the map.  There can also be instances where countries have more than one official language for their country.  This data was obtained from
So what are the Romance Languages you ask, the Romance Languages are ones that derive from the Latin language spoken by the Roman Empire.  There are many different branches originating from the Romans but I wanted to keep this a bit simpler.  In this instance the core Romance Languages refer to French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish.  If you want to learn more click here.

This map is great but I have no idea what country is what! Don't worry, I've got you covered!  The following maps look at each language group separately.  The numbers given to each country are just used for labeling purposes and DO NOT indicate any ranking.

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